Brian Christensen - Department of Art Skip to main content
Brian Christensen

Brian Christensen

Associate Professor
Full-Time Faculty, Studio

B-66 215

MFA, Washington University, St. Louis, 1992

Brian Christensen teaches ceramics, sculpture and 3D design studio courses. He currently serves as Area Coordinator of the 3D Studio Area and has co-directed study abroad programs in Australia/New Zealand, Spain, and twice in Italy. Brian served as a craft consultant with the BYU Egypt Excavation Project in 2014 and is currently in collaboration on a related publication. Brian has worked to maintain and expand the facilities and opportunities for the sculpture and ceramics programs in the BYU Department of Art. He exhibits his work nationally and internationally with recent Solo and group exhibitions at CUAC in Salt Lake City, The University of Florida-Gainesville, Arc Gallery-Chicago, and M.G. Nelson Gallery, Springfield, Illinois. Brian has lectured at The Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Utah Valley University, Southern Utah University, Snow College and BYU Idaho among other venues.